How will the data be used?

Please remember this is a pilot project. Information collected here may be used for future management or it could be used to improve data collection for the future. Either way, your entries are important, helpful, and valuable.

Your voice counts! And all of us at the Angler Action Foundation and the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council are interested in what you have to tell us. What could we learn?

Inform Future Decisions on Recreational Reporting

Your use of the MyFishCount website or app will help make decisions for future recreational reporting projects and management. The app is available now!

Improve Understanding of Angler Behavior and Trends

How fisheries are managed could be influenced by knowing more about trends in fishing behavior. For example, MyFishCount can help managers estimate the number of anglers treating fish that experience barotrauma (a condition caused when a fish is rapidly reeled to the surface from deep depths resulting in the inflation of organs from expanded gases) through either venting or descending procedures. In turn, managers can better estimate how many fish die when released. The more information collected from anglers like you, the better managers can understand how changes in fisheries regulations may impact everyone who enjoys fishing.